This week was off to a good start thanks to my prep work over the previous two weeks. I have a total of 30 weeks of training starting this week. The weather is still a bit spotty since we are coming out to winter, so my training will look a little different until I can get outside to bike and run. I won’t do open a water swim until this summer due to that schedule in and around St. Louis, MO. Since the bike is my strongest event, I plan on spending more time on the bike than anything else though I will obviously train for all 3 events.

When I did my full back in 2018, my only self-care was a grueling 90-minute deep tissue massage. I was extremely bad at stretching, cooling, down, or warming up. I just simply jumped into it and went. I guess that is the difference between 35 and 41 years of age. When I hit my 40s, my physical fitness took a hit and looks a whole lot different. Knowing that I can’t go nearly as hard as I used to, my workouts are a bit more on the slower side with less stress to the body.

Here is my current plan until I can get outside:

Sunday- This is a swim day for me though with a bit more prep. I sit in the steam room for about 15 minutes stretching and getting warmed up. Jump into the pool for a 30-minute lap swim. I then jump in the hot tub for 15 minutes to finish off back in the pool, waking against the lazy river’s current (yes, my gym has a mini lazy river) for another 15 minutes. I allow myself longer workouts during the week since I have more time to spend.

Monday- Spin class for an hour and stretching (possibly yoga) in the afternoon

Tuesday– This is also as swim day and looks similar to what I do on Sunday except the last two things are cut back to 10 minutes each.
Wednesday- I was doing a second spin class though I know I need time in my bike saddle so I’m dedicating the morning to biking on my bike and working on cadenace. This is important to train your cadence so you aren’t over-exhausting yourself. I will continue to do this though outside when it is warmer so I can get a more accurate message. Riding on a trainer can be deceiving to what you will experience on the open road. I will run in the afternoons (time permitting) to get my legs used to the work.
Thursday- This is also a two-fold, or at least I’m trying to make it be, training day. I will do my swim regime as mentioned on Tuesday morning and then do something in the evening. This day has been a day that I’ve met up with a girlfriend for months now to do either hot yoga, hot barre, battle ropes, kettlebells, etc. for a workout. It’s a nice change from just swimming, running and biking.

Friday- I want to make sure I’m incorporating weight training into my schedule to help build lean muscle so this is the day to do that! Now, I’m not lifting heavy weights; instead, I’m more so doing light to moderate with high reps. Two weeks ago this about killed me. My calves were so sore from calf raises that I couldn’t walk regularly for almost 5 days. I won’t make that mistake again.

Saturday- This is my “can be anything” day. I might end up going hiking with my hiking group, maybe end up in a stretching class with the sauna and hot tub to follow, or it could be just a rest day. It all depends on how I’m feeling from the week.

Since I’m only two days into this week, there might be another post depending on how things progress. Please note, I don’t anticipate this blog being, well, as much of a shit show than my full Ironman was. There are several reasons for that and I’m ok with that fact.

Until next time, thanks for reading!